Sunday, 27 April 2014

I have never felt angry for those who doesn't care for themselves, but now i am angry with them. 

No idea why am i angry towards them, maybe is the different path we have chosen in our life. I can't imagine their life can be so meaningless and so little. Doesn't mean Jesus say you should be the one serving but not the king, and you should become a person's dog. I don't get it.

Surely you will be curious about who am i talking, actually i am just talking about my clients. 

Today i asked one of my fellow friends: 

" Are you still studying? Did you want to study?" 

you know what she answer me in that freaking noisy restaurant? she said: 

"I am not planning to study anymore, I am working here as a full time." 

That shocked me and make me angry for almost the whole day, i mean how can someone willing to work as a waiter or a supervisor at a small restaurant? Get tired and late night sleep everyday, serving customers everyday, yet get paid only one thousand plus a month. Why won't they think working as a manager or a secretary, get paid 2.5 k per month and can even have more free time than this freaking waitering job.   

Everyone has a choice, if that's your choice to stick with some low class, uneducated people and never going to enjoy luxury in life. Well, God bless. But for me, I am not going to do so. I am going to take up the wall, or challenge the sky by flying towards it. I want to be rich, and i want to step on everyone to have my pride and my luxury. If i accidentally stepped on you for my career part, please blame yourself for not being strong and have less choices than me. 

What i trying to say is, people should be ambitious. If you can fly further than anyone, why still stuck yourself in a cage or doesn't even try t put some effort to fly and visit the world? Rather doing some shit stuff to earn glory and fame earlier than anyone. I truly tell you, the fame which can last is the most glorious,
 Example, bill  Gates. 

All of my fellow clients is so intelligence, their problem solving skills, technique to counter people, stress management and hardworking, is so much better than mine. Still, not successful than me because of English or sense. 

That's wasted. 

Well, nothing i can do. Just pray that God will bless them and use them mighty in his Kingdom.

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